Energy saving assessment for a drive system
Variable frequency drives (VFD) often allow considerable energy savings for the end user. We have previously shared case studies on variable speed fans [1] and variable speed pumps [2]. Resulting payback time can be 2 to 3 years. Despite this known advantage of VFD some companies might hesitate to make the investment decision. Energy saving assessment helps to estimate the economical aspects and supports the management of the company to make the right decision.
We have the right tools, knowledge and experience from industry in order to perform the energy saving assessment for you and your company. Professional support is guaranteed. Get in touch with us and discover whether a variable frequency drive system pays-off for you and provides you a competitive edge.
You might have several fix speed motors in your plant. They have different kW ratings, different operating hours per year and they drive different loads. We help you to identify where is the largest potential for energy savings. You can start from such “low hanging fruit” and gain your own experience with VFDs.

You are designing a new plant and wonder what speed control method would fit the best?
– Fix speed motor only
– Steam turbine or gas turbine driver
– Fix speed motor with fluid coupling
– Variable flow fan with inlet damper, inlet guide vanes etc.
– Variable flow pump with re-circulation, throttling, cyclic control etc.
– Variable frequency drive system for a pump or fan

- Annual energy savings (MWh/year)
- Annual cost savings ($$/year)
- Annual reducion of CO2 emissions (t/year)
- Payback time
Are you interested in energy saving assessment? Then simply fill in the contact form below and we will connect with you.
[1] Energy savings in variable flow fan system – Case study,
[2] Energy savings in pump systems – Case study 1,
[3] ABB energy efficiency,
[4] Drives – Energy efficiency portal,
[5] Saving energy with VSD system, Hydrocarbon Engineering Feb 2019,