Energy saving study: Special promotion (limited)
Take an advantage of our limited offer and get a free-of-charge support for an energy saving study. Together we will assess the energy and cost saving potential resulting from the use of a variable frequency drive (VFD). The analysis will be performed specifically for your project. Whether your motivation is to reduce your carbon footprint, your energy or both of them we will study your case and provide you with a brief report and a recommendation.
Energy saving potential
One of the major benefits of variable frequency drives are savings of electric energy. Explaining the principle would be like transporting the wood into the forest. You may know the principle very well. If not, you find tons of articles on this topic (see also our Energy efficiency series addressing some of the key points). Some of the largest energy saving potential is in variable flow applications with a quadratic torque type of load (both terms ‘quadratic torque’ and ‘square torque’ are being used). Most typical examples are fans and pumps. And this is what our limited offer focuses on.
Energy saving study
If you have an industrial fan or pump with flow regulation that currently does not utilize a VFD driven motor, i.e. uses other means of flow control, such as throttling valve, on-off control, bypass control, inlet guide vanes, hydrodynamic coupling etc, then our offer perfectly fits for you. With our experience and a sophisticated software we will assess the energy saving potential that your installation has. Such analysis is extremely helpful when making a decision whether an investment into VFD technology pays off or not. In most cases it certainly does pay off so the question is rather this: What is the payback time? Maybe you have multiple installations to be upgraded and it is worth to know which one has the most saving potential and is most suitable to start with. We can help you to pick the low hanging fruit and start from there.
Our study provides you with some key indicators, such as
- Annual energy savings (MWh/year)
- Annual cost savings ($$/year)
- Annual reducion of CO2 emissions (t/year)
- Payback time

Limited validity of our special offer
This free-of-charge offer is limited. Normally such services are paid as there is time effort and expertise required. However, we decided to ease your start into the year 2021 with this special promotion. Many businesses might have reduced budget for this year. Or there is generally cost pressure. On the other hand there might be energy efficiency programs where you could eventually get some funding, but you are not sure whether you qualify or not. In any case, an energy saving assessment is the best starting point on the journey towards energy and cost savings as well as increased competitiveness.
Of course, we need to make our living and therefore the promotion is time limited. Moreover, we have limitation of resources that will be involved in the energy saving study. Therefore, if you think that this is something for you, fill in the form below and register for a free study.
Few remarks:
– In order to apply please fill in the short form below. Insert following promo code into the subject: ESS-PROMO2021.
– We are professionals, not magicians. The accuracy of study results depends on the quality of the tool and quality of input data. First part is granted as we use a well-proven tool. Second part, input data, largely depends on you. The more accurate data you provide us the more realistic results you get as output. In case of poor or incomplete input data from you we reserve the right to reject such a study.
– After applying for a free-of-charge study through the form below we will get in contact with you and set up the next steps individually.
– Offer is limited based on first come, first served principle. After the limited offer expires we offer you a paid service (still very reasonable pricing).
– This special offer will not be promoted on any social media or other platforms. By that we give the priority to our regular readers of our blog that land on this page without us making a large advertisement. It is a thank you from our side.
– If this offer is not relevant for you, but you know someone who could benefit from it, feel free to share the information.
Yes, I want to participate in assessing the energy and cost saving potential of my pump or fan installation ⇒ fill in the form below.
The following are basic rules governing this limited offer regarding Energy Saving Study (also called Energy Saving Assessment) conducted on MB Drive Services website.
Registration. Only entries submitted at the website of MB Drive Services with forms provided by MB Drive Services may be used to participate in this limited offer.
Release. By participating in this limited offer, each participant waives any and all claims of liability against MB Drive Services, its employees and agents for any personal injury or loss which may occur from the conduct of, or participation in, the limited offer, or from the use of study results. Participant shall provide input data for the study within 3 weeks from the date of application, unless explicitly agreed differently with MB Drive Services. Failure to provide input data in time releases MB Drive Services from the duty to perform a free-of-charge Energy Saving Study.
Validity: This limited offer is valid latest until February 14, 2021. MB Drive Services is authorized to extend the validity of the limited offer by announcing a new date on their website.
Expiration. The limited offer expires, either by reaching the last day of validity or by reaching the capacity limit. Afterwards participants cannot claim this limited offer anymore.
Compensation. There is no right for a financial or other compensation as a substitute of this limited offer.
[1] Energy efficiency series,
[2] Energy saving assessment,
[3] Drives and energy efficiency (portal),