New milestone reached: 100'000 views

On Sunday, September 11, 2022  a new milestone was reached. MB Drive Services recorded 100’000 all-time views of our website.

What started in January 2019 as a small “experiment” grew into a popular platform dedicated mainly to medium voltage variable frequency drives (MV VFD) and drive systems.

all-time views MB Drive Services
Figure 1: Monthly views of our website

Over 200 posts have been published in the course of time. More than 49’000 visitors landed on our website. Our so far “busiest day” was November 1, 2020 with 304 views on that day. In ordinary days we get some 100 – 150 views.

posting activity MB Drive Services
Figure 2: Posting activity over the last 12 months

Starting Premium Subscription

In early 2021 we started our Premium Subscription. This paid service is recommended to everyone who wants to learn more and go deeper. The articles are more detailed than the blog posts, include more knowledge sharing and are advertisment-free for your focused study.

The blog posts do not provide as many details as the premium articles. Instead, they shall provide kind of ‘flavor’ or an idea what is then detailed in the full article.

Premium subscription is available for individuals as well as for corporates. An overview of the service and subscription plans can be accessed by using the button below:

Why paid service?

Premium subcription is a paid service. However, the prices are very moderate so that the service is accessible to almost anyone.  Creating a quality content takes lot of time and cost. Thus we can’t provide them entirely for free. Nevertheless, everyone who seriously wants to dive a bit deeper into the subject of variable frequency drives and drive systems will find a way.

Also in 2021 we started to co-author first posts with external authors. The aim is to provide more information, eventually slightly different view, share more experience and make the blog more diverse. Most of the blog posts are still authored by MB Drive Servies. However, other authors are welcome to co-author an article with us.

KYDS program

Mid of 2022 we introduced our Know Your Drive Systems (KYDS) program where you learn about key drive system components, such as transformer, VFD, motor, cooling system and harmonic filter system. KYDS is a set of 5 lessons (one for each component) but it is also possible to purchase just an individual lesson. The feedback from the participants of the program is very positive. With one of them we continue an extension with tailor made lessons on selected topics.

KYDS is a learning program that basically complements our premium articles. Each lesson takes about 40 to 60 minutes and is contains lot knowledge in compact format.

Our initial experiment turned into a project with long term plan. We would like to thank all the readers of our blog, partners and supporters for making it happen. Your positive feedback was and will be our motivation to continue. Special thanks to those who interact or collaborate with us in a close way.

Vision for the next years

Our vision is to be one of the leading portals where students, engineers, technical managers and industry professisonals and basically anyone else can find valuable information about variable speed drives technology.

We will keep posting on our blog. There are currently over 200 draft posts in the backlog so we don’t run out of ideas in near future.

Also, we want to continue the collaboration with other professionals by publishing jointly-written articles. And certainly we will continue with our premium subscription and educational courses in different formats (articles, webinars, on-site lessons). Here the vision is to be one of the best technical education platforms specialized on variable speed drive systems.

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