Tram CKD Tatra KT8D5
In this post we introduce a legendary tram KT8D5 made by famous Czechoslovak company CKD (Ceskomoravska Kolben-Danek). The tram CKD KT8D5 is a work horse that provides efficient and reliable public transport in many cities in Central and Eastern Europe.
History of Tatra KT8D5
CKD Tatra built first two prototypes in 1984. The testing phase was very long and took place until 1988. Afterwards, the first prototype was sent to Moscow (Russia) and later sold to Volgograd (Russia). Second prototype was delivered to Ostrava (Czech Republic).
At the end of 1990s many Tatra KT8D5 trams were reconstructed and the middle section was made low-floor.
In total 199 trams KT8D5 were manufactured. They were delivered to Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Russia, Eastern Germany, Bosnia and Hercegovina and North Korea.

Technical description of Tatra KT8D5
Tram TATRA KT8D5 is an eight-axle motorized vehicle. It consists of three sections interconnected with joints and covering bellows. The tram has total 10 doors (5 on each side). Each of the four chassis is equipped with two rail brakes and two disc brakes. Power electronic regulation is realized with thyristor-based pulse control. At the end of 1990s CKD built few innovative trams KT8D5N with IGBT transistors.

Basic technical data of CKD KT8D5
Manufacturer: CKD (Ceskomoravska Kolben-Danek), Czechoslovakia
Total length (without couplings): 30.3 m
Width: 2.5 m
Height: 3.1 m
Total seats: 231
For sitting: 54
Standing: 177
Empty weight: 38’000 kg
Max. speed: 65 km/h
Supply: 600 Vdc
Rated power: 8 x 45 kW
Motor type: DC
Semiconductor type: thyristor
Regulation: pulse control
Traction equipment: under the floor
Doors: double side doors

Features and performance of CKD KT8D5
– high capacity doors for fast exit and entrance of passengers
– bi-directional operation
– high acceleration and braking
– high dynamics
– variable duty (motor loading)
– situation of traction components:
- under the floor (original)
- low-floor middle section (revamp)

Tatra KT8D5 is a popular high-capacity tram manufactured by CKD at the end of 1980s. Many of these trams are still in operation after they have been retrofitted in 1990s (changes in power electronic part and partially low-floor execution). Due to its bi-directional design and doors on each side the tram plays a vital role in everyday public city transport and particularly during reconstructions and other civil works.
[1] Plzenske mestske dopravni podniky (Pilsen Municipal Public Transport Operator),