Trolleybus Skoda 9 Tr
Lot of cities nowadays invest in more environmental friendly public transportation. Due to that trolleybuses experienced a renaissance in the last couple of years. Many cities that used to have trolleybus lines and discontinued their operation are now returning to this means of transport. However, today we look into the older days, maybe to your childhood or childhood of your parents. This article presents trolleybus Skoda 9 Tr – a legend in the trolleybus world.
History of Skoda 9 Tr
Trolleybuses Skoda 9 Tr were manufactured by Skoda company in Ostrov nad Ohri (western Bohemia) between the years 1961 to 1982. A total of 722 vehicles had been manufactured and reliably served in many cities of that time Czechoslovakia. Model 9 Tr was also exported to several countries: Afghanistan, Soviet Union, Bulgaria, India, Germany, Poland and Norway. During over 20 years of production total 7’439 trolleybuses had been manufactured in 29 series! The last vehicles differentiated from the first units as the trolleybuses underwent many improvements and facelifts. The design was very modern and its pure lines and curves impress us until today.
Skoda 9 Tr – technical data in a nutshell
Manufacturer: SKODA
First prototype: 1958
Serial production: 1961 – 1982
Total quantity: 7’439
Length: 11’000 mm
Width: 2’500 mm
Height: 3’240 mm
Max. speed: 60 km/h
Motor shaft power: 110 – 120 kW
Supply voltage: 600 V
Speed control: originally resistor-controlled, since 1979 thyristor-based control
Number of seats: 23 – 26 (three door variant), 39 – 41 (two door variant)
Standing room: 46 – 42 (three door variant), 31 – 29 (two door variant)
Boy dream
Wanna have a ride with trolleybus Skoda 9 Tr?
This is not a dream. Your wish may come true since the public transportation company in Pilsen (PMDP [4]) has a specimen of this remarkable 9 Tr series that is being used for special occasions and can be rent for private group of people as well.
Interested to rent Skoda 9 Tr?
Contact PMDP public transport company in Pilsen [4] or use below contact form. Please mention the number of persons.

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[1] Modern and historical public transportation in Pilsen,
[2] SKODA homepage,
[3] Trolleybuses made by SKODA,
[4] Public transport company in Pilsen – Rental of historical vehicles,
[5] Trolleybus Skoda 9 Tr in Marianske Lazne, CZ (video with German subtitles),