VFD transformers: Your questions
The articles from VFD transformers [1] series belong to the most frequently read posts in our blog. It seems that many visitors find us through internet search using keywords such as “converter duty transformer”, “24 pulse drive phase shift”, “extended delta transformer”, “12-pulse phase-shifting transformer”, “three winding vector shift transformer” and many others. Of course, we are pleased to see such interest.
The series on VFD transformers will continue with several more articles. While we already have couple of new posts in draft stage we would also like to get your opinion as well.

You can help us to shape this blog. Share with us the topic(s) related to VFD transformers that you would like to appear here. Send us your proposal per email or use the contact form below.

[1] VFD transformers – entire series, https://mb-drive-services.com/category/vfd_transformers/
[2] Variable Speed Drive (VSD) Transformers, https://new.abb.com/products/transformers/special-application/variable-speed-drive-(vsd)-transformers