Our blog is generally focusing on medium voltage drive systems. However, we can’t ignore the trend and the huge potential of electromobility (e-mobility). Since the technology is based on electric motors, variable frequency drives and other power electronics we would like to contribute on this topic as well. Moreover, we would like to share some exciting trends with you. The focus will not be too much of electric cars as there is already huge variety of good sources. Instead, we focus on other areas of e-mobility that surely deserve attention as well: electric buses, electric trucks or even electric dump trucks! Of course, we don’t want to fully neglect conventional electric means of transportation such as trains, trams or trolleybuses – some highlights from this area will be shared as well. We plan to crown these articles with few excursions to share the direct impressions with you – similar as we already did in [1].
One pioneer company in electrification and since few years also in e-mobility is ABB. The company’s dedication to clean transportation was demonstrated in several projects and events. one example is the sustainable transportation regularly presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos [2]. Nowadays most famous is the sponsorship of ABB Formula E.
ABB is offering a full range of equipment and services to support e-mobility. Apart from traditional electric equipment for trams, trolleybuses, light rail and locomotives the company has in its portfolio products for electric cars, electric buses and trucks. The offering includes:
– Charging infrastructure
– Conventional chargers
– Fast chargers
– Onboard traction converters
– Electric motors
– Drive power trains
– Power semiconductors
– Battery storage
The company has a long history in developing and manufacturing electric equipment for locomotives, commuter trains (S-Bahn), trams and trolleybuses. Both predecessors of ABB, Swiss BBC and Swedish ASEA, were reputed manufacturers of rolling stock. The rolling stock manufacturer Stadler [3] and the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS) [4] belong to the most important customers.
When doing improvements it is always best to start with yourself. It also demonstrates your confidence in what you present to the market. ABB announced to start using electric trucks in Switzerland from 2020. We are still in the first quarter of the year and this ambition already happened to be a reality. First electric trucks are already operational and more of them will follow.
ABB and electric trucks
ABB is a pioneer in field of electrical engineering and sustainable development. In Switzerland first electric trucks are being used for logistic purposes between ABB factories and suppliers since beginning of 2020. An example is the electric Volvo FL series [5] as part of the fleet of Galliker Transport AG [6, 7]. This vehicle daily serves the ABB factory in Turgi where also ABB charging station is located.
Volvo FL Electric belonging to Galliker Transport AG has total weight of 16.7 tonnes and is specially developed for city and regional transport. The electric motor has peak power of 185 kW and continuous rating 130 kW. It uses conventional Lithium-Ion batteries. Their modular design allows nominal capacity ranging 100 to 300 kWh (customer’s choice) and corresponding driving range 100 to 300 km. Both AC and DC charging is supported: AC charger with rating of 22 kW while DC fast charging allows up to 150 kW.
The advantages of such electric truck, besides near zero emmissions, are low noise level and minimum vibration.

Figure 6 (a-d): Volvo FL Electric at ABB Turgi
E-Force One AG
The Swiss company E-Force One [8] is one of the pioneers in electric truck development. After several years of diligent work the fruits start to be seen. Since 2018 the company is offering electric trucks for the European market.
During the development at E-Force One following requirement were defined:
1. Continuous speed of 90 km/h.
2. The vehicle shall keep driving continuously with 5% pitch at 60 km/h (e.g. route through Gotthard tunnel).
3. The e-truck must also have sufficient acceleration capability when climbing up a ramp with 5% pitch.
As per Stefan Aufdereggen, CEO of E-Force One, the battery today makes almost 50% of the price of vehicle. The charging is based on conventional DC chargers. AC charger is possible as well. The batteries originate from Ecovolta, also a Swiss manufacturer. The capacity of batteries varies from 105 to 630 kWh. Power density of modern batteries gradually increases. Therefore, the largest battery with 630 kWh weights approx. 3’600 kg. Charging power is 350 kW and is currently limited by the plug.
The electric trucks for ABB will be charged with ABB’s Terra-54 fast chargers. First two trucks will be maintained by ABB in Turgi. After a trial period of several months the existing fleet of 11 diesel engine trucks shall be replaced during the next 3 years. The annual savings of carbon dioxide are estimated in the range of 400 tonnes.

Energy storage for sustainable e-mobility
In the last quarter of 2019 ABB inaugurated modern production facility for energy storage systems in Baden, Switzerland [9]. Systems will be used in railway trains and e-buses. The capacity is up to 10,000 energy storage systems per year. Ambition is to use these systems not just for newly manufactured vehicles, but also as part of retrofitting of existing vehicle fleets, making them more sustainable.
In the past ABB already announced the partnership with Northvolt to build one of the largest battery factories in Europe for the greenest battery cells [10, 11].
ABB fast chargers for e-mobility
ABB offers a comprehensive portfolio of fast charging infrastructure for cars, electric buses and electric trucks [12]. It includes high-power fast chargers, DC fast chargers and small wall-mounted chargers for homes. There are also pantograph chargers for buses and famous flash charging system for TOSA [13].

The charging infrastructure is booming in Europe as well as in other parts of the world. Many cities invest into electric city buses as reported in [14-16]. And there is much more to come.
Power semiconductors
Power semiconductors play essential role in e-mobility and traction application. ABB has the great advantage of having in-house manufacturer of broad power electronics portfolio [17]. The product range covers practically everything:
– avalanche diodes
– welding diodes
– rectifier diodes
– fast recovery diodes (converter applications)
– phase controlled thyristors
– bi-directionally controlled thyristors
– IGCT thyristors
– GTO thyristors
– medium power IGBT modules
– high power IGBT modules
– SiC MOSFET modules
Specifically for e-mobility several interesting products were developed recently, such as LinPak (IGBT and SiC MOSFET modules for extra low switching losses), HiPak (IGBT and diode modules mainly for traction converters) or RoadPak (SiC modules for automotive). The latest catalog for 2020 is available here [18].
In-house development, engineering and manufacturing (Lenzburg, Switzerland and Prague, Czech Republic) of semiconductors allows joint development of new products and exact optimization of the power semiconductor for the specific application.
The advanced power semiconductors from ABB can be found in traction converters driving high-speed trains, metro transport serving large cities, industrial variable frequency drives, HVDC power transmission systems, wind, railway and hydro converters and many more. E-mobility is a fast growing market for power semiconductors with the utilization of silicon carbid (SiC).
This was an introduction into e-mobility through the lens of our editorial office. Hope you enjoyed! More posts will follow and as we expect a rapid growth in this sector, there will be enough thrilling material to write about!
Stay with us and stay healthy! Cheers!
[1] Modern and historical public transport in Pilsen, https://mb-drive-services.com/public-transportation-in-pilsen/
[2] WEF 2020 – ABB at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, https://new.abb.com/wef
[3] STADLER Rail, https://www.stadlerrail.com/en/
[4] Swiss Federal Railways SBB CFF FFS, https://www.sbb.ch/en/home.html
[5] Volvo Group – Electromobility, https://www.volvogroup.com/en-en/innovation/electromobility.html
[6] Volvo Trucks delivers first E-truck to Swiss transport company Galliker AG (in German), https://www.galliker.com/deCH/kundeninfos/news/-/europa/galliker/volvo-trucks-uebergibt-ersten-elektro-lkw-aus-serienproduktion-an-galliker-transport-ag.htm
[7] Worldwide first electric truck from Volvo delivered to Switzerland (in German), https://www.swisscamion.ch/article/der-weltweit-allererste-elektrische-serien-volvo-wurde-in-die-schweiz-geliefert/
[8] E-Force One, https://www.eforce.ch/en/
[9] ABB opens modern production facility for energy storage systems, https://new.abb.com/news/detail/41063/robots-collaborating-with-humans-paving-the-way-to-sustainable-mobility
[10] ABB and Northvolt partner for Europe’s largest battery factory, https://new.abb.com/news/detail/2121/abb-and-northvolt-partner-for-europes-largest-battery-factory
[11] Northvolt, https://northvolt.com/
[12] ABB EV charging solutions, https://new.abb.com/ev-charging
[13] TOSA electric bus charging infrastructure, https://new.abb.com/substations/railway-and-urban-transport-electrification/tosa-electrical-bus-charging-infrastructure
[14] ABB technology in 40 fast-charging stations across Sweden for Vattenfall, https://new.abb.com/news/detail/47736/abb-technology-in-40-fast-charging-stations-across-sweden-for-vattenfall
[15] Gothenburg busiest line to be electrified through Volvo ebuses and ABB chargers, https://www.sustainable-bus.com/electric-bus/gothenburg-busiest-line-to-be-electrified-through-volvo-ebuses-and-abb-chargers/
[16] ABB has some 100 e-bus charging stations installed across the Netherlands, https://www.sustainable-bus.com/parts/abb-has-some-100-e-bus-charging-stations-installed-across-the-netherlands/
[17] Power semiconductors from ABB, https://new.abb.com/semiconductors
[18] Power semiconductors: Product catalog 2020, https://search.abb.com/library/Download.aspx?DocumentID=5SYA2111&LanguageCode=en&DocumentPartId=&Action=Launch