More than 200 blog posts: Get an overview
Since our start in November 2018 more than 200 blog posts in almost 40 different categories have been published. We are thankful for all our readers – regular and random – for visiting our website. Special thanks belong to all those who encourage us in our work, ask interesting questions, propose new topics, share their experience or even co-author an article with us.
Overview with a spreadsheet
One of our readers, Luiz, took an initiative and created a very useful tool. Luiz collected all our blog articles (status end of January 2023) in an Excel spreadsheet. With a bit of programing he made a tool that gives you a quick overview of all articles and all categories available. You just select the category of your interest, click on it and get a list of articles belonging to that category. The hyperlinks bring you directly to the post on our website.

Let’s select “VFD BASICS” as an example. Clicking on that brick you get a list of all blog posts belonging to this category. With this tool you find the relevant post within few seconds.

We really appreciate the initiative that Luiz has taken. His thinking was:
Someone spends lot of time to write all these articles and share the knowledge. I want to make a contribution for the community members as well. That’s why I make this spreadsheet.
What a wonderful attitude. Instead of just passively consuming (which is perfectly okay) Luiz decided to contribute as well.
Get a free copy of this spreadsheet
Moreover, he allowed us to share the spreadsheet with others. So if you are interested to get a copy, just drop us a message with “spreadsheet” in the subject and we will email it to you.
Having posted about 200 articles we are certainly not done. There are more than 200 other posts in a draft stage. Thus, an overview tool will be even more useful in the future.
Tip: For full text articles purchase one of our premium subscription plans.
Luiz · February 4, 2023 at 7:55 pm
Here is Luiz, the one mentioned in the post (directly from the south of Brazil!)…I just want to say that even though I just put together the links of Dr. Martin’s blog in a simple Excel sheet, I am very happy and proud to be mentioned in one of his posts (#221!). I personally like to see this spreadsheet as a simple (maybe “fancy”) map for the treasure, as it basically guides people that like Power Electronics to what is really valuable, the contents of all these very high quality posts that Dr. Martin is kindly making available for all of us. I really hope he keeps doing this great job for a long time and I promiss I will keep trying to contribute somehow…hopefully in higher technical level next times…By the way, I am sure there are lots of “crazy people” like us over there that love Power Electronics and that can do some nice contribution here…please forget your bosses for a while (yes, your wives too 😁), find some time and let’s help each other to improve everybody’s knowledge on this fascinating subject. 😉
Ironically, the spreadsheet is not updated anymore because the post related to the spreadsheet itself is missing! 🤭😂
admin · February 5, 2023 at 2:43 pm
Thank you Luiz, excellent job!
I also want to encourage everybody: if you have an idea like Luiz just do it. We are always open for new inputs and ideas.
Kind regards, Martin (Head of MB Drive Services)
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